Northrop Grumman Italia successfully completed the CDR for the navigation system ITAR FREE- NAVEX-100 RPAS, selected by Dassault for the EURODRONE Program.
Northrop Grumman Italia (NGI) and SAFRAN are cooperating to provide to EURODRONE the Navigation Platform Solution. SAFRAN will provide the primary Inertial Navigation System and NGI the AHRS –Attitude Heading Reference System.
Both systems will be interfaced with two GNSSS ( Civil and dual -Constellation Military provided by SAFRAN).
Eurodrone is a joint European programme to answer future UAS requirements.It has been launched by Leonardo, Airbus D&S and Dassault Aviation as a joint industrial-government initiative. The programme is backed by the governments of France, Germany, Spain and Italy and Managed by European OCCAR (Organisation for Joint Armament Co-operation),